About NAMI Guadalupe County
Who We Are
NAMI is the National Alliance on Mental Illness, the nation’s largest grassroots mental health organization dedicated to building better lives for the millions of Americans affected by mental illness. As one of over 700 local affiliates, NAMI Guadalupe County serves all of Guadalupe County, Texas. Operationally, we are an extension of the NAMI State Organization, NAMI Texas.
Our Mission
NAMI Guadalupe County is committed to providing education, advocacy, and support to families and individuals affected by mental illness.
Our Vision
Our vision is to ensure acceptance of and treatment for all those with mental illness to facilitate recovery.
What We Do
We work to educate, advocate, listen and lead to improve the lives of people with mental illness and their loved ones. We have a variety of education and support programs directed to individuals living with mental illness, family members, friends, professionals, other stakeholders, and the community at large to address the mental health needs of our community. We work to inform the public about mental illness by distributing information about mental illness through various means of communication.
We do not provide any legal, housing, medical or psychiatric services or counseling.
Where we serve
Our programs are for all residents of Guadalupe County, Texas. Most of our programs and events will be in Seguin or Schertz.
Our Commitment To Diversity, Equity And Inclusion
We encourage participation by and is inclusive of people from every age, culture, disability, ethnicity, gender, gender identity, religion, socio-economic status and veteran status. We do not discriminate in the requirements for membership and/or provision of services. We strive to support recruitment and retention of a diverse and inclusive membership and leadership and aspire to reflect the composition of our community in our activities.
Press & Media
NAMI Guadalupe County can help journalists and thought leaders shape their messages by providing knowledgeable spokespeople, statistics and personal stories of people living with mental illness. Contact us for more information.
Public Policy
With our state organization, NAMI Texas, we advocate for a healthier Texas, where every individual who needs mental health services and supports can access appropriate, affordable, and timely care. Read the Public Policy Platform of NAMI Texas.
NAMI Guadalupe County is a Guadalupe County United Way sponsored agency.
NAMI Guadalupe County is a member of the Seguin Area Chamber of Commerce and of The Chamber (Schertz-Cibolo-Selma Area).
The Seguin Area Chamber of Commerce named NAMI Guadalupe County as Member of the Month for April, 2023.
NAMI Guadalupe County thanks the following businesses and organizations for providing financial and in-kind support.
Aetna Medicare Solutions
Artable Curiosities
Community First Health Plans
Emanuel’s Lutheran Church, Seguin
Fifth Generation Estate Sales
First Methodist Church, Seguin
First United Bank
Geronimo Lions Club
Guadalupe County MHMR Agency
Guadalupe County United Way
Kiwanis Club of Seguin
Knights of Columbus Good Shepherd Council #6358
Methodist Healthcare Ministries of South Texas
Rotary Club of Seguin
Seguin Area Community Foundation
Seguin Area Youth Leadership Academy Class of 2023
Seguin HEB
Seguin Parrot Head Club
Texas Silver-Haired Legislature
Women of Faith (Faith Lutheran Church, Seguin)
You’re So Crafty
If your business, church, club, foundation or organization wants to assist our mission, contact us.